Committees & Community
It takes a lot of people to make our Society function. Help from the congregation is always needed and members and friends are invited to volunteer at any time for committees and groups by speaking with the committee chairperson or group leader. People interested in serving as elected officers or as appointees should speak to the President, the Minister, or a member of the Nominating Committee.
Policy Board
THE POLICY BOARD directs UUSE business, financial, and administrative affairs, including formulating policy and overseeing church staff; it has charge of the Society’s property.
Program Council
THE PROGRAM COUNCIL coordinates Society programs for fellowship, service, recreation, and personal growth; includes chairs of standing committees and coordinators including:
Affinity Groups and Other Activities
Fund Raisers
FUND (AND FUN!) RAISERS provide creative opportunities, social contact with other members and friends, while assisting the Society’s financial operations.