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Services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The 11:00 a.m. service is also livestreamed.

Gathering music begins at 8:55 a.m. and 10:55 a.m.

“Sitting at the Messianic Table.” Our ministry theme for September is Invitation. Rev. Josh explores Jesus' parable of the messianic table. Who is invited to sit at that table? How does that invitation speak to us 2000 years later?

Join via Zoom:

Contact the Office for Zoom Link

Or, join by phone: 1-860-646-5151

Meeting ID 357 815 420#

Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek.

Welcome to Unitarian Universalist Society East.

To receive a visitor packet, or to find out more, email our office.

We schedule several newcomer events throughout the year after Sunday services. More info during those services and in the Zoom chat.


In Case You Missed It

Here's your chance to see the September 8 Sunday service, "Homecoming." Click here to watch on YouTube.


Children & Youth Ministry News

CYM needs your help!

Do you have a spiritual practice that you engage in? It could be daily, annually, or anywhere in between. Would you be willing to visit our Elementary classroom once this upcoming program year to simply tell or show them about your spiritual practice and why you do it? Need not be more than 5-10 minutes but can take as long as you’d like. If yes, please email Emmy Galbraith the Director of Children & Youth Ministry at

Harvest Brunch

Please join us between services on Sunday, September 22 for a harvest brunch on the Garden Level, open to everyone in the congregation. Bring a dish to share if you can, but at least bring your appetite!

Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat will be on Saturday October 26th, and this year it will be open to the public. So start planning your trunk and stocking up on candy now! CYM is also looking for a few volunteers to help out. If this is something you are interested in please reach out to Emmy at


Directory Update

It's that time of year again when the annual Directory of Members and Friends is updated. If you were not in the directory last year and want to be included, or if your information needs updating, please email Annie in the church office with your name(s), including children if you like, physical address, phone number(s) and email(s). Also, for those of you who chair committees or lead groups that are listed in the directory, please email Annie with an updated list of your group/committee's members. The directory will be printed in October.


UUA New England Region Newsletter

The September newsletter is online here. Carrie Kocher, Demoninational Affairs chair, notes the contents: a message by UUA President Sofia Betancourt, opportunities for Zoom discussion on the 7 UU Shared Values, a new "MOSAIC" ed program about Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression, how to apply for the new UUA Moderator role, and more! Read the newsletter here.


Ladies at Lunch

Join us for lunch at The Main Pub, 306 Main Street in Manchester, on Thursday, September 12th at noon. Let's hope for pretty weather so we can dine outside and enjoy the patio! All are welcome. Join us if you can. If you can attend, please RSVP to Sharon Huber by Wednesday afternoon on the 11th at or 860-646-5151.


Democracy is Not a Spectator Sport!

You can make a difference by calling Black voters in Southern states to help them navigate the voter suppression rules. Phoning has proven to be an effective way to reach Southern voters of color, which can be huge in a tight election. And it's easy to do once you've been trained on the Center for Common Ground's platform. After completing online training and participating in a phonebank through Zoom, you can call at your convenience. All you need is a computer and good WIFI. Upcoming Connecticut Phonebanks with Training Sessions will be held Sunday, September 15 from 3:00 to 5:30 P.M. and Sunday, October 20 from 3:00 to 5:30 PM. Register through Mobilize at Check out the flyers throughout the building for more information on this non-partisan program.


Want to Help Fight Housing Discrimination?

Our friends at the Open Communities Alliance (OCA) are seeking candidates for their housing testing program. OCA advocates for people who experience housing discrimination by creating and supporting policies that reduce or remove barriers for people who want to move to neighborhoods of their choice. Their testing program helps OCA fulfill its mission by gathering information on housing discrimination based on race, nationality, sex, gender expression, age, disability and veteran status. Ideal candidates have flexibility during the work week, a cell phone, a computer, wifi and a car.  An average test takes 1.5 - 2 hours. Testers get paid $60 + fees for phone tests and $120 for in-person tests. To become a tester, OCA provides an application and training process. If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Rev. Josh Pawelek at


Piano Bash

On October 6 at 2:00 P.M. performers of all ages and levels are invited to play our two Steinway pianos in the UUSE meeting room. If you like to play the piano and want to perform or have questions, send an email to Mary Bopp at Listeners are also welcome to attend. This is a free event.


Intro to UU

Sunday, October 6, 1:00 - 4:00 P.M., UUSE Chapel/Rm 1 or Zoom

Would you like to know more about UUism and UUSE? Rev. Josh Pawelek and the Membership Committee invite you to an informative seminar, which will include a brief history and background of our theology, UUSE's mission, programs and facilities, an opportunity to meet others interested in UUism, and a sharing of stories about what brings us together.

To register, please contact Annie Gentile at 860-646-5151 or Please RSVP by Thursday, October 3 and let us know if you need childcare. Questions? Please contact Carole Boster or Janet Dauphin at


Artisan Holiday Market News!

Questions can be sent to our fearless leader, Desiree Holian-Borgnis, and the planning committee Jennifer Klee and Michelle Spadaccini at

The UUSE Artisan Holiday Market (because it's so much more than a run-of-the-mill fair) will be held on

Friday, Nov. 22, 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 23, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Attention all Crafters! Join us Sunday, September 29 after the second service to make crafts for the holiday fair. We'll provide the materials and instruction for several different projects, or feel free to come and work on whatever it is you are making for the holiday fair. Bring your lunch. We'll provide dessert. Please contact Gina Campellone ( to let us know you're coming.

Silent Auction is Looking for Donations

We have some UUs who own local businesses or are accomplished artists who help us out yearly with generous contributions. But you may have some treasures to donate. What draws bids? Past items that attracted numerous bids include a beautiful set of wooden jigsaw puzzles featuring some “whimsy” pieces, a new gas grill (a thank you gift for purchasing a car), a member upgraded her iPad, and donated her old one. We’ve had a quilting frame, a fancy Franklin Mint commemorative Monopoly game, sports memorabilia, high-end jewelry, gently used designer purses, and decorative home items. Themed baskets full of goodies that can be given as gifts are usually a big draw (think spa night basket, pet-owner basket, hostess gift basket, etc.) And, of course, the work of our many talented UUSE artists and crafters is always a big draw! Have an idea? Talk with Mary Ellen Vigeant.

Also --

Canning jars: Do you have any to donate to the cause? Leave them in the fair bin in the coat closet.

Leadership: We need people to take on a few leadership roles • Organize Lunch for the Fair Workers: Easy! Order take out and set/clean it up. • After Fair Party: Find and reserve a fun venue. • Garden Level Coordinator: Organize the team that empties out and resets the Children & Youth Ministry Rooms. • Jewelry team leader. Past chairs Peggy Webbe and Diana Sherman are happy to advise but have family matters that mean they don't have the bandwidth to donate as much time as they have in the past. Talk to Desiree or email if you can step up. • Books: Are you willing to apprentice this year with the goal of taking over the leadership of the book shop next year? Talk to Dottie Keating at or

Fabulous Finds: The former “Friday Night Specials” booth has been renamed “Fabulous Finds” because it is open throughout the Fair. Please start setting aside any “upscale” tag sale items you would like to donate, including new or nearly new art, kitchen ware, serving pieces, clothing and accessories, tools, housewares or one-of-a-kind treasures. Contact Lesley Schurmann at if you’re unsure if your fabulous finds are appropriate or with other questions.


Hosts Needed for Community Harvest Suppers!

The Membership Committee is planning more potlucks at the homes of UUSE members/friends this fall, since they have been such a success this spring and summer. But we need your help! Show off your cooking and favorite main dish while fostering community and fun! If you would like to host a Community Harvest Supper at your home sometime in October or early November. please contact Sue Myers or Carole Bosterby September 15 and let them know the date and time for your event and how many guests you can accommodate. Hosts provide a main dish, and guests will bring the appetizers, sides, desserts, etc. Sign-up sheets will be in the lobby after each service in late September.


Book Lovers

Book Lovers meet on the second Tuesday of the month from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the Children's Chapel at UUSE and via Zoom. Everyone is welcome, even if you haven't finished reading the book. Here are upcoming books with the numbers of pages: Oct 8: It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis, 401. Nov. 12: Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, 176. Dec. 10: The Wind Knows My Name by Isabel Allende, 272. Contact Carolyn Gimbrone for the Zoom link. Info: Book Group.


Pastoral Friends

The Pastoral Friends Committee maintains a list of rotating chairs for the fiscal year. If a pastoral concern arises in September or October, please contact Sally Gifford. You may also contact the general Pastoral Friends email:


Yoga at the Meetinghouse Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.

All are welcome to these gentle-to-moderate yoga classes for all abilities. $5 drop-in fee. Bring a yoga mat (we have some extras). Bring a friend! Questions to: Susan at Yoga is a UUSE adult education offering.


Buddhist Group

The UUSE Buddhist Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Meetings are on Zoom only. All are welcome for meditation and discussion of a Buddhist perspective on the monthly ministry theme. Contact Nancy Thompson for details. Next meeting: October 1.


God Talk

This discussion group for UU Theistsexplores how UUs can name and experience God in meaningful, useful ways. God Talk meets on 4th Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Click here for the Zoom link.


Humanist Group

This ongoing group explores Religious Humanism and its applications to life, both historically and today. The Humanist group meets on 3rd Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Join us via Zoom: Contact the Office for Zoom Link.


Science and Religion Discussion Group

meets on 4th Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.

How does science inform our beliefs? Where do science and religion meet? Where are they in opposition? Members of this ongoing group will select and discuss readings covering myriad topics and the way we look at the Big Questions. This hybrid group meets at UUSE in the Children's Chapel on the lower level, and you can also participate via Zoom. All are welcome.

Contact Linda Duncan for a list of discussion questions and to get the Zoom link. September topic: "Despite all we know about science, why is religion so prevalent?" coordinated by Jessey Ina-Lee



An image that provides a link to the office calendar.
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