Sunday Service: "On Inclusion, Part I"
Rev. Josh will begin a two-part sermon series on our February ministry theme, Inclusion. He'll reflect on the history of UU denominational efforts to fashion on more inclusive faith. Note: The service originally scheduled for this morning, "Desperate but Disciplined," with Rev. Kendra Ford, has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek.
Services at 9:00 and 11:00 A.M.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Gathering music starts at 8:55 and 10:55 A.M.
Join the virtual service at 11:00 A.M. via our Zoom link:
Contact the Office for Zoom Link.
Or join by phone. Call 1-860-646-5151 Meeting ID 357 815 420#.
In case you missed it:
Click here for a youtube video of the Celebration of Life Service
for Shoshana Levinson
Looking for Stewards!
We are looking for people to canvass members & friends. Being a steward is an opportunity to get to know new people, share you passion and commitment for UUSE and help make our Annual Appeal a success. The commitment time is short with one training session and a couple of weeks to contact 3 or 4 members or friends. The stewardship conversations are a time of fellowship and sharing our dreams and aspirations. Talking about financial commitment is a small part of a much larger conversation about generosity and community. So please consider volunteering to be a steward this year. We especially want people who have never been stewards before, especially parents!
The steward will use a personal visit (if both feel comfortable), email, phone calls, texts, etc. to get in touch with people to answer any questions and remind them to fill out their pledge form and return it to Annie. Personal canvassing will be from March 20 - April 4, 2025.
Please email Phil Sawyer at or call 860-646-5151 if you are willing to help or have any questions.
Strengthen Our Connections:
Consider Hosting a Pledging Potluck
The Stewardship Committee is looking for UUSE members and friends to host a potluck during the weekends of March 7 - 9 and March 14 - 16, 2025. Again, this year we hope that potential potluck hosts will team up to create an astounding potluck offering. We would especially welcome a potluck offering from our 'younger' members and friends. The potlucks are often dinners but could be a brunch, lunch or perhaps dessert & coffee/tea. You can steward attendees at your own potluck, or another steward will facilitate the conversation about pledging if you choose. We need to gather a list of hosts (and co-hosts) with dates and times of their potlucks by February 9, 2025. These potlucks are a way to come together in community, enjoy good food and have a deeper conversation about our connection to UUSE and our hopes and dreams for our future. We hope you will consider being a host or a team! Signups for potlucks will begin after services February 16, February 23 and March 2, 2025 when the annual Appeal officially kicks off.
Please contact Stan McMillen at 860-72-8447 or to host a pledging potluck in March. THANK YOU!
Newsletter Correction: Stewardship Training
Please note there was an error in the January newsletter. Stewardship training will be offered on Tuesday evening, February 25, 2025 (not Thursday the 27th). Training will also be offered on Saturday morning, March 1. Specific times will follow.
Strategic Planning Task Force Volunteers Needed
The UUSE Policy Board is seeking several volunteers to develop a strategic plan for the congregation. Using data from various sources, interviews, committee goals, focus groups and more, the Strategic Plan Task Force (SPTF) will develop an achievable and measurable 5-year plan for the congregation. The SPTF will report to the Policy Board and will have a liaison from the Policy Board on the team. The task force will have until January 2026 to complete its work. If you are interested in joining this task force, please send an email to Greg Dupuis.
Pastoral Friends
The Pastoral Friends Committee has a rotating chair throughout the year. Should you need pastoral care during the months of January or February, please contact Sid Soderholm.
Ladies at Lunch
Friday, February 14th at Siam in Glastonbury
Join us Friday, February 14, for lunch at Siam at 45 Welles Street, next to Whole Foods in Glastonbury. We meet at noon. Everyone is welcome! If you can attend, please RSVP to Sharon Huber at or 860-646-5151.
High School Youth Group Soup Fundraiser!
The High School Youth Group is holding a soup fundraiser to benefit UUSE and the HSYG's activities. Soup will be sold via pre-orders and are due by Friday, February 21.
Options are:
Vegan and Gluten-Free: Chickpea Soup with Rosemary & Garlic
Vegetarian: Broccoli Cheddar soup
Meat: Potato Bacon soup
To place an order, please contact Michelle Spadaccini at or click on this link. Frozen soup orders will be available for pickup in the lobby after both services on Sunday, March 2, 2025. A $5 minimum donation per pint is due at pick up. We will accept credit cards, cash or checks.
Please contact Michelle Spadaccini with any questions. Proceeds will be split between UUSE and the HSYG. Thank you for your support!
Request for Large Stockpots
The High School Youth Group is looking for large stockpots they can borrow to make soup on February 22 for their soup fundraiser. Please contact Michelle Spadaccini at Thank you!
2025 Midwinter Seed Swap!
On Saturday, February 22nd, at 10am EST, we will come together on Zoom to create a community of like-minded seed swappers! During that time we will slow down a bit so we can become inspired by winter, by each other, and why community-led and collective-minded gardening is paramount during this tumultuous time. We intend to share stories of food sovereignty and expanding food access, seed saving and sharing, and learn tools for seed identification and storage–as well as tips for mailing seeds. (There will be an option to mail seeds to each other as well so that this event can be accessible to more folks.)
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Death Cafe
UUSE's next Death Cafe will be held at the meeting house on Tuesday, February 25th from 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. Death Cafe is a global movement with a simple goal: to provide participants in any stage of life with an opportunity for an open-ended discussion about death and dying. There is no formal agenda, but there is tea, cake, and a comfortable place to discuss this issue that will touch all of us at some point in our lives. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Rev. Josh Pawelek at
Holiday Choir!
Do you love to sing? Do you love to have fun? You don't have to audition. If you can sing in your car, you can sing with the UUSE Choir! Weekly rehearsals start on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:15 P.M. in preparation for the Holiday Music Services on April 20th. All ages welcome. For more information, contact Mary Bopp at
Ongoing Happenings at UUSE!
There’s Always Something Good Going On
Our Mission
Unitarian Universalist Society East is a welcoming, open-minded spiritual community seeking truth and meaning in its many forms. We share responsibility for building a more equitable, peaceful, and sustainable world.
UUSE Links and Information
• Monthly Newsletter • Website • Previous Sunday Services
 • Children & Youth Ministry • Facebook •
New England Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association • 860-646-5151
Here's a link to the latest Order of Service