September Ministry Theme: Invitation
Fall Service Schedule. On September 8th we resume two services at 9 and 11 AM.
The 11 AM service is broadcast via Zoom. The Zoom login and call-in information is shared through the congregational eblasts on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
To subscribe to the eblast, please send a message to uuseoffice@uuse.org or call the UUSE office at 860.646.5151.
Sunday, September 1st: You're Invited.
As we begin a new congregational year, we come together to explore the spiritual practice of Invitation. How does Invitation relate to our UU values centering on Love? Are we taking action to invite and include? How do we respond to invitations in our own lives?
Coordinators: Stacey Musulin and Paula Baker
Sunday, September 8th: Homecoming.
All-Congregational Worship! Today we launch the new congregational year with morning worship and our Homecoming picnic following the second
service. We celebrate our liberal faith, our congregational community, and what it means to offer a wide invitation. Remember to bring your backpack, briefcase, workbag, pocketbook, etc. for
our annual end-of-summer “Blessing of the Backpacks.” Coordinators: Emmy Galbraith and
Rev. Josh Pawelek.
Sunday, September 15th: Sitting at the Messianic Table.
Our ministry theme for September is Invitation. Rev. Josh explores Jesus’ parable of the messianic table. Who is invited to sit at that
table? How does that invitation speak to us 2000 years later? Coordinator: Rev. Josh Pawelek.
Sunday, September 22nd: "Equinox: Harvest and Balance." The Mabon mid-harvest festival is a time of giving thanks and honoring the balance between light and dark. It’s a time of plenty, of gratitude and of sharing our abundance with those less fortunate. It’s also a time of balance and reflection, following the theme of equal hours of light and dark. Coordinators: Vivian Carlson, Ellen Williams and Kate Kimmerle.
Sunday, September 29th: Fire Drill. Are any alarms sounding in your world? If so, what are
you doing in response? How are you preparing for what may be coming? Rev. Josh examines
‘being prepared’ as a spiritual practices. We’ll also conduct a fire drill! Coordinator: Rev. Josh
Pawelek and the UUSE Emergency Preparedness Team.