Sustainable Living Committee / Climate Action
Sustainable Living Committee / Climate Action Informs congregation of and brings change to use of energy, materials, and consumer goods.. Encourages spiritual enrichment by living more simply and in a way that is environmentally respectful, economically sound, and socially just. In 2006 achieved UUA's Green Sanctuary designation. Awarded TGreen Houses of Worship designation in 2016 by IREJN (Inter-Religious Eco-Justice Network)
The committee collects used printer cartidges and cellphones for recycling, and sells Equal Exchange coffee ane chocolate on the second Sunday of each month.
2024-25 Leadership Team
Rotating Chair
Members: Chris Bailey, Mike Baxter, Julia Caruk, Ellen Castaldini, Paul Cocuzzo, Marianne Cornish, Janet Dauphin, Sharon Gresk, Janet Heller, Janet Heller, Desiree Holian-Borgnis, Christine Larson, Simon Steve Simon, Anne Vaughan, Veganmary1997, Elizabeth Ventura, Barbara Vizoyan
Ex Officio: Rev. Josh Pawelek.
Fair Trade Coffee Sales: Desiree Holian-Borgnis
August 14, 2024 at 5:41:03 PM