Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
NLDC Prepares list of nominees for Society offices to present for vote at annual meetings, fills vacancies, identifies
2024-25v Leadership Team
Co-chairs: Kevin Holian-Borgnis, Jean Knapp ,and Ted Pappas
Members: Sid Soderholm, Gail Crook, Laurel Hennebury, Deb Gould
Recruit leaders for vacant and acting positions.
Use the Newsletter, eBlast and other forms of outreach to advertise vacant leader positions.
Based on surveys and assessments of needs within the UUSE community, determine training and workshop needs and set a schedule for offerings. NLDC will work with the Policy Board and Program Council to determine these needs and schedule accordingly. As we attend Board and Program Council meetings, we can see what workshops or retreats would be helpful.
Facilitate a May/June transition between outgoing and incoming leaders.
Meet with each committee to understand their challenges and responses and from where they draw strength and collaborate with them to broaden access to leadership from more diverse segments of the congregation.
Submit at least one article annually in the newsletter and eblast to promote committee involvement as a channel to express one’s gifts. Potentially do a pulpit editorial.
Support “Widening the Circle” initiatives by endeavoring to include persons at UUSE who identify themselves as marginalized due to disability, race, class, country of origin, education, economic status, appearance and others. In other words, we want to reach out to those that may be left behind or left out and bring them into the circle of leaders at UUSE. Potentially offer training material and support to help prepare committees and leaders to work inclusively and effectively in the multicultural environment of a diverse committee.
August 11, 2024 at 12:55:51 AM