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Jan 4, 2025
Sign up starts at 6 PM-- performances will start at 6:30 PM - NEW START TIME!
The Coffeehouse and Open Mic is held monthly on first Saturdays October through May. Musicians, Poets
Sign up starts at 6 PM-- performances will start at 6:30 PM - NEW START TIME!
The Coffeehouse and Open Mic is held monthly on first Saturdays October through May. Musicians, Poets, and Storytellers share their talents. Performer sign-ups start at 6:00PM with 12 slots of 10 minutes each. Performances start at 6:30PM. Bring your dinner. Bring your friends. Bring your favorite beverage. We'll provide the coffee. A $5 suggested donation goes directly to UUSE. Coffeehouse is sponsored by the Music Committee.
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