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A Letter of Thanks from the UUA Annual Program Team
September 2023

UUSE VP Anne Carr, Ellen Williams, Former UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, and UUSE Rev. Josh Pawelek at the 2023 General Assembly, Pittsburgh PA.

Dear Unitarian Universalist Society East:


We hope you had a restful summer, and you are sailing smoothly into the new church year. On behalf of the entire Annual Program Team, we would like to thank you for your continued generosity in support of the Annual Program Fund. Your gifts make the work of the UUA possible, benefiting congregations far and wide. Thank you for being a Leadership Congregation in 2023!


The fifty most generous  Congregations across the UUA are called Leadership Congregations. Your congregation is one of these. We enjoyed seeing you at our 2023 Leadership Congregation Celebration brunch in Pittsburgh! As a memento of that lovely time, we're sharing a copy of your group photo with (now former UUA President) Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray.


Please share the photo with your congregation along with our gratitude on behalf of all the congregations that your generosity supports.


Best Wishes,


Your UUA Annual Program Team:


Rev. Vail Weller

Norrie Gall

Steve Ransom

Dominique Batiste

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