It's that time again! Your favorite Equal Exchange coffees, chocolate, tea and more will be available Sunday, October 13th following both services. Satisfy your taste buds while sup...
The Book Lovers meet in person and simultaneously on Zoom every second Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. You are welcome even if you haven’t finished the book. The link is sent out eac ...
All are welcome to these gentle-to-moderate yoga classes for all abilities. $5 drop-in fee. Bring a yoga mat (we have some extras). Bring a friend! Questions to: Susan at uuseoffice...
Wednesdays at 7:15 PM Do you love to sing? Do you love to have fun? You don't have to audition. If you answered “yes” to these questions you can sing with the U...
Every Thursday at 7 PM We sing songs and chants from a variety of traditions, including some written by women from circles around the country, including our own. All are about the #...
Thursday, November 14th at 12:00 P.M. Join us for lunch at Simply Thai, 409 Hartford Turnpike in Vernon. We meet at noon. Everyone is welcome, so join us if you can! Pleas...
Here's a great congregational event to build community and prepare the grounds for our guests for the holiday fair! Join the Building & Grounds Committee for the annual Fa...
The class will hold its first meeting on Sunday afternoon, October 20th from 1:00 to 2:30 pm and will meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month until May. Participants will have an oppor...