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Saturday, April 27
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
on the UUSE Grounds

Join us for a Beltane ritual, plus fun, games, community and many other activities!

Our 2024 UUSE Mayfair is conceived as a spiritually grounded, community-building event. The centerpiece is a Celtic-inspired, seasonal Beltane ritual in the memorial garden, organized by the UUSE Pagans.
Other activities include:

•• Bottle and Can Drive, organized by the UUSE youth group. Bring your returnable bottles and cans. Proceeds will be split between the youth group and the congregation.
•• UUSE swag table
•• Committee Activities
•• Cookie Competition
•• Games
•• Musical performances
•• Fair Trade Coffee, Tea and Chocolate Sales.
•• Hang out with old friends, and make some new friends!

Schedule of Events so far….
10:00 AM –COFFEE, goodies, gathering
11:00 Beltane Ritual (Memorial Garden)
12:00 Musical performances begin
(Tables will be set up for lunch. Please bring a bag lunch or picnic and join other UUSE members and friends.)
For the Beltane Ritual Please Bring:

Two “clooties” (prayer ribbons) to tie on the May Trees in the Memorial Garden. What are clooties? Cut two strips of cloth from a piece of old, beloved clothing (which carries your energy in it). One clootie will be used for a personal intention, the other as a prayer for peace and justice in the world.

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