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"A Liberating, Liberal Faith" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, October 1, 2023

Gathering Music

Welcome and Announcements



Moment Musicaux no. 3 in f minor

by Franz Schubert

written in 1828

Chalice Lighting and Opening Words

excerpt from "I Call That Church Free"

by James Luther Adams

Opening Hymn

#12 "O Life That Maketh All Things New"

Verses 1, 3 and 4

Music: Thomas Williams' Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789

Words: Samuel Longfellow

O Life that maketh all things new,

the blooming earth, our thoughts within,

our pilgrim feet, wet with thy dew,

in gladness hither turn again.

One in the freedom of the truth,

one in the joy of paths untrod,

one in the soul's perennial youth,

one in the larger thought of God;

The freer step, the fuller breath,

the wide horizon's grader view,

the sense of life that knows no death,

the Life that maketh all things new.


"Turn Scarlet, Leaves!"

words by Raymond J. Baughan, #45 in Singing the Living Tradition

music by Mary Bopp

Turn scarlet, leaves! Spin earth!

Tumble the shadows into dawn.

Tumble the shadows into dawn.

Joys and Concerns

Musical Meditation


The recipient of our community outreach offering is the University of Connecticut's Native American Cultural Program or NACP. NACP provides resources, services and community for UCONN's Native and Indigenous students and faculty, helps foster relationships with local tribal nations, and works towards building good relations between UCONN and the land.

Offering Music

Adagio Cantabile from Sonata Op. 13


by Ludwig van Beethoven

written in 1799


excerpts from "Guiding Principles for a Free Faith"

by James Luther Adams



"A Liberating, Liberal Faith"

Rev. Josh Pawelek

Closing Hymn

#155 "Circle 'Round for Freedom"

by Linda Hirschhorn

Circle 'round for freedom

Circle 'round for peace

For all of us imprisoned

Circle for release.

Circle for the planet

Circle for each soul

For the children of our children

Keep the circle whole.

Extinguishing the Chalice

Closing Circle

May faith in the spirit of life

And hope for the community of earth

And love of the light in each other

Be ours now, and in all the days to come.

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