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Watch the eBlast for the next scheduled

Informational Meeting

Informational Meeting

UUSE will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, May 5 at 1:00 PM, both in-person and on Zoom. This meeting is a preview of proposals which will be voted on at the Congregational Annual Meeting later in May. Proposed changes to the following will be reviewed and discussed:

•• UUSE Gift Policy
•• UUSE Endowment Policy/Guidelines
•• UUSE Constitution

Please join us on May 5th and bring any questions you might have.

Thank you, Bob Knapp, Finance Chair

UUSE will hold an informational meeting on Sunday, May 5 at 1:00 PM, both in-person and on Zoom. This meeting is a preview of proposals which will be voted on at the Congregational Annual Meeting later in May. Proposed changes to the following will be reviewed and discussed:

••  UUSE Gift Policy

••  UUSE Endowment Policy/Guidelines

••  UUSE Constitution

Please join us on May 5th and bring any questions you might have.

Thank you, Bob Knapp, Finance Chair

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