Gathering Music
Welcome and Announcements
"Flying Home"
by Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton
Performed by Laurie Mazich Semprebon, clarinet, and Chris Crossgrove, piano
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
Opening Hymn
"We Gather Together"
#349 in Singing the Living Tradition
Words: Dorothy Caiger Senghas and Robert E. Senghas
Music: Adrian Valeru's "Nederlandtsch Gedenckclank"
We gather together in joyful thanksgiving,
acclaiming creation whose bounty we share;
both sorrow and gladness we find now in our living,
we sing a hymn of praise to the life that we bear.
We gather together to join in the journey,
confirming committing our passage to be
a true affirmation, in joy and tribulation,
when bound to human care and hope--then we are free.
Joys and Concerns
Musical Meditation
Offering Music
by Bill Douglas
Performed by Laurie Mazich Semprebon, clarinet and Chris Crossgrove, piano
Story for All Ages
"Those Shoes"
by Maribeth Boelts
Told by DCYM Emmy Galbraith
Meditation Music
Introduction to Theme Topic: Generosity
Guest Speaker: "Generosity" (Jerry Myers)
Closing Hymn
"We Give Thanks"
#1010 in Singing the Journey
Words by Wendy Luella Perkins
Arranged by Susan Peck
Oh, we give thanks for this precious day,
For all gathered here, and those far away;
For this time we share with love and care,
Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.
Oh, we give thanks.
Oh, we give thanks for this precious day,
For all gathered, all gathered here, far away;
For this time we share with love and care,
Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.
Oh, we give thanks.
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the community of earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.