Gathering Music
Welcome & Announcements
"Come, Come, Whoever You Are"
by Lynn Unger
arr. by Mary Bopp
Introduction to the Service
First Reading
"I Want to Be with People"
by Dana E. Worsnop
Musical Interlude
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
"So That We Might, Together, Shine"
by Erik Walker Wikstrom
When we light our chalice
everyone focuses on the flame.
Yet it is the paraffin of the candle,
the cotton of the wick,
the potassium chlorate and sulfur of the match,
and the oxygen in the air around us
that makes that flame possible.
As leaders we are not called to be
a lone beacon on a hill.
Rather, we are meant to work together
so that we might, together, shine.
Opening Hymn
#128 "For All That Is Our Life"
Words: Bruce Findlow
Music: Patrick L. Rickey
led by Sandy Johnson
For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;
for all life is a gift which we are called to use
to build the common good and make our own days glad.
For needs which others serve, for services we give,
for work and its rewards, for hours of rest and love;
we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.
For sorrow we must bear, for failures, pain and loss,
for each new thing we learn, for fearful hours that pass:
we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.
For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;
for all life is a gift which we are called to use
to build the common good and make our own days glad.
Joys & Concerns
Musical Interlude
For the month of September, our Community Outreach offering will be shared by two organizations:
Power Up brings much needed visibility to the ongoing realities of racism in Manchester and surrounding communities. Some UUSE members and friends have participated in Power Up's pantry, after school programs, rallies, protests and other actions.
Manchester Latino Affairs Council
The Manchester Latino Affairs Council (M.L.A.C.) was established in January of 2007. It's current mission is to address social issues with a focus on diversity, inclusivity and equality within Manchester's Latino community. MLAC sponsors Manchester's annual Hispanic Heritage Day and is looking forward to its first public "Three Kings Celebration" in January and a "Latina Heart Health Walk" next April.
Note: This year's Hispanic Heritage Day happens on September 16, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM indoors at Leisure Labs at Manchester's Mahoney Recreation Center at 110 Cedar Street. The theme is Familia/Family. The event will feature live music, dancing, food trucks, vendors, crafts and resource tables.
Offering Music
"You've Got a Friend"
by Carole King
sung by Sandy Johnson and Jeannette LeSure
Second Reading
"Experience Connection"
by Peter Morales
Musical Interlude
Homily in Three Parts
Sheila Foran
Sandy Karosi
Closing Hymn
#360 "Here We Have Gathered"
Words: Alicia S. Carpenter
Music: Genevan Psalter
led by Sandy Johnson
Here we have gathered, gathered side by side;
circle of kinship, come and step inside!
May all who seek here find a kindly word;
may all who speak here feel they have been heard.
Sing now together this, our hearts' own song.
Here we have gathered, called to celebrate
days of our lifetime, matters small and great:
we of all ages, women, children, men,
infants and sages, sharing what we can.
Sing now together this, our hearts' own song.
Life has its battles, sorrows and regret:
but in the shadows, let us not forget:
we who now gather know each other's pain;
kindness can heal us: as we give, we gain.
Sing now in friendship this, our hearts' own song.
Extinguishing the Chalice and Closing Words
"Be True, Be Well, Be Loving"
by Cynthia Landrum
We leave this gathered community,
But we don't leave our connection,
Our concerns, our care for each other.
Our service to each other, to the world, and to our faith continues.
Until we are together again, friends,
Be strong, be well, be true, be loving.
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the Community of Earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.