Gathering Music
"Autumn Leaves"
By Eva Cassidy
Welcome and Announcements
"Kind and Generous"
By Natalie Merchant
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
Opening Hymn
#128 "For All That Is Our Life"
Words: Bruce Findlow
Music: Patrick L. Rickey
For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;
for all life is a gift which we are called to use
to build the common good and make our own days glad.
For needs which others serve, for services we give,
for work and its rewards, for hours of rest and love;
we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.
For sorrow we must bear, for failures, pain, and loss,
for each new thing we learn, for fearful hours that pass:
we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.
For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;
for all life is a gift which we are called to use
to build the common good and make our own days glad.
Service Introduction
"The Gift"
By Marsha Howland
Generosity Observations
Joys and Concerns
Musical Meditation
"The Circus"
By Dan Clark
Offering Music
"Give a Little Bit"
By Supertramp
Generosity Observations
Musical Meditation
Generosity Observations
Closing Hymn
#118 "This Little Light of Mine"
Words and Music: African American spiritual
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Ev'rywhere I go, I'm gonna let it shine ...
Building up a world, I'm gonna let it shine ...
Extinguishing the Chalice and Closing Words
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the community of Earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.
By the Juicebox Jukebox