Gathering Music
Welcome & Announcements
"Mabon Magic
by Mary Bopp
Chalice Lighting
"Prayer of Xuma"
by Xuma, Shaman of the Amazonian Amahuaca tribe
Calling the Quarters
Time for All Ages (Emmy Galbraith, Director of Children & Youth Ministry)
Opening Hymn
#1069 "Ancient Mother"
Traditional Navajo Prayer
Ancient Mother, I hear you calling.
Ancient Mother, I hear your song.
Ancient Mother, I feel your laughter.
Ancient Mother, I taste your tears
"The Last Leaf"
by David Horst
Introductions, Joys and Concerns
Musical Response
For the month of September, our Community Outreach offering will be shared by two organizations:
She Leads Justice
She Leads Justice advocates for under-resourced, marginalized women in Connecticut. They work to close the civil legal justice gap and to create state policy for economic security. Formerly known as the Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund, their work supports women who identify as cisgender and transgender, and non-binary individuals, as well as people of all marginalized gender identities.
Manchester Latino Affairs Council
The Manchester Latino Affairs Council (M.L.A.C.) was established in January of 2007. Its current mission is to address social issues with a focus on diversity, inclusivity and equality within Manchester’s Latino community. MLAC sponsors Manchester’s annual Hispanic Heritage Day and is looking forward to its first public “Three Kings Celebration” in January and a “Latina Heart Health Walk” next April.
Offering Music
"Everything Will Be All Right"
by Kay Gardner
Performed by Manchester Women's Sacred Singing Circle
Everything will be all right.
Day is day and follows night.
Everything will be all right.
Darkness flows into the light.
"Earth Mother, Star Mother"
by Starhawk
Homily: Autumn Equinox (Mabon) Harvest, Letting Go, and Balance
Closing Hymn
"Cycles of Life"
by Janet Ciano
Performed by Manchester Women's Sacred Singing Circle
Cycles of life, seasons of the year,
Rhythms of the earth and my heartbeat
Closing the Quarters
Closing Words: "Let Us Bless the Earth" by Eric Williams
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the community of earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.
Read on for an Important Update from the UUA Discernment Task Force
Over the past three weeks the Discernment Task Force has been meeting with members of the congregation to discuss what, in their view, a good discernment process would look like.
Members of the Task Force have met with members of the Policy Board, the minister, and the director of Children and Youth Ministries (CYM). We also reached out to folks who were active in raising concerns about the new Article 2 and the UUA. In addition, we met with folks who reached out to us, following our E-Blast (August 29) seeking input on what a good process would be. In addition, we identified additional folks to ensure different demographics were represented, for example a range of generations, people with children, people without children.
We engaged with 35 people, of whom 33 agreed to share their views.
Sept 23
The Task Force will meet to identify themes that emerged from our conversations with stakeholders. The congregation can expect a brief report – via a dedicated eblast, via the CYM weekly email, on UUSE’s Facebook page, and as an insert in the Sunday order of service -- regarding the main themes that emerged.
Oct 6
The Task Force will have a four-hour meeting to design a process of congregational engagement based on the input received. The congregation can expect an overall description and timeline of opportunities for congregational engagement soon after this meeting -- via a dedicated eblast, via the CYM weekly email, on UUSE’s Facebook page, and as an insert in the Sunday order of service.
Second half of Oct and November: likely time frame for congregational engagement events.
Late December/Early January: Report to the Policy Board
Discernment Task Force Members: Trisha Corey-Lisle, chair; Desiree Holian-Borgnis; David Lacoss; Sage Nitzan; Sylvia Ounpuu; Sid Soderholm; Monica van Beusekom; Lynn Dove, Policy Board Liaison
Summary of mission of UUA Discernment Task Force: The UUA Discernment Task Force will design and implement a process by which UUSE members and friends can: 1) listen to each other’s concerns about the UUA and Unitarian Universalism; 2) determine together the institutional relationship we wish to have with the UUA; and 3) determine what changes to the UUSE constitution, if any, will enable us to formalize that relationship.