Gathering Music (Jenn Richard) "Walls (No. 3) by Tom Petty "Timshel" by Mumford, Lovett, Marshall & Dwayne "Wonder" by Natalie Merchant
Welcome and Announcements (Rev. Josh Pawelek)
"Autumn Town Leaves"
by Iron and Wine
Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals
Chalice Lighting and Opening Words
“Listen to the Leaves”
by Steven Charleston
Opening Hymn
#298 “Wake Now My Senses” (verses 1-3)
Words by Thomas Mikelson
Music: traditional Irish melody
Wake, now, my senses, and hear the earth call;
feel the deep power of being in all;
keep, with the web of creation your vow,
giving, receiving as love shows us how.
Wake, now, my reason, reach out to the new;
join with each pilgrim who quests for the true;
honor the beauty and wisdom of time;
suffer thy limit, and praise the sublime.
Wake, now, compassion, give heed to the cry;
voices of suffering fill the wide sky;
take as your neighbor both stranger and friend,
praying and striving their hardship to end.
Time for All Ages
Joys and Concerns
Musical Interlude
The recipient of our October Community Outreach Offering is Marc, Inc. Marc, Inc. provides the opportunity for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live meaningful lives of independence, choice, inclusion, and continuous personal growth.
Offering Music
“All That We Let In”
by the Indigo Girls
Jenn Richard, guitar and vocals
“All That We Let In”
Rev. Josh Pawelek
Closing Hymn
#318 “We Would Be One”
Words by Samuel Anthony Wright
Music by Jean Sibelius
We would be one as now we join in singing
our hymn of love, to pledge ourselves anew
to that high cause of greater understanding
of who we are, and what in us is true.
We would be one in living for each other
to show to all a new community.
We would be one in building for tomorrow
a nobler world than we have known today.
We would be one in searching for that meaning
which bends our hearts and points us on our way.
As one, we pledge ourselves to greater service,
with love and justice, strive to make us free.
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the community of earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.