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"Why UUSE is Home" -- UUSE Virtual Worship, September 24, 2023

Gathering Music

Welcome & Announcements



Meditation on "Prayer for This House"

by Robert N. Quaile

Performed by Mary Bopp

Introduction to the Service

First Reading

Musical Interlude

Chalice Lighting and Opening Words

Opening Hymn

#1 "May Nothing Evil Cross This Door"

(Also known as "Prayer for This House")

Words: Louis Untermeyer

Music: Robert N. Quaile

Led by David Klotz

May nothing evil cross this door,

and may ill fortune never pry about

these windows; may the roar

and rain go by.

By faith made strong, the rafters will

withstand the battering of the storm.

This hearth, though all the world grow chill,

will keep you warm.

Peace shall walk softly through these rooms,

touching our lips with holy wine,

till every casual corner blooms

into a shrine.

With laughter drown the raucous shout,

and, though these sheltering walls are thin,

may they be strong to keep hate out

and hold love in.

Joys & Concerns

Musical Interlude


For the month of September, our Community Outreach offering will be shared by two organizations:

Power Up brings much needed visibility to the ongoing realities of racism in Manchester and surrounding communities. Some UUSE members and friends have participated in Power Up's pantry, after school programs, rallies, protests and other actions.

Manchester Latino Affairs Council

The Manchester Latino Affairs Council (M.L.A.C.) was established in January of 2007. Its current mission is to address social issues with a focus on diversity, inclusivity and equality within Manchester's Latino community. MLAC sponsors Manchester's annual Hispanic Heritage Day, and is looking forward to its first public "Three Kings Celebration" in January and a "Latina Heart Health Walk" next April.

Offering Music

"Longing to Belong"

by Mary Bopp

Second Reading

Musical Interlude

Homily in Three Parts

Jane Penfield and David Klotz

Greg Dupuis


Closing Hymn

#128 "For All That is Our Life"

Words: Bruce Findlow

Music: Patrick L. Rickey

Led by David Klotz

For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;

for all life is a gift which we are called to use

to build the common good and make our own days glad.

For needs which others serve, for services we give,

for work and its rewards, for hours of rest and love;

we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.

For sorrow we must bear, for failures, pain, and loss,

for each new thing we learn, for fearful hours that pass:

we come with praise and thanks for all that is our life.

For all that is our life we sing our thanks and praise;

for all life is a gift which we are called to use

to build the common good and make our own days glad.

Extinguishing the Chalice and Closing Words

Closing Circle

May faith in the spirit of life

And hope for the community of earth

And love of the light in each other

Be ours now, and in all the days to come.

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