Gathering Music
"Adagio Cantabile"
by Ludwig van Beethoven
Welcome, Announcements & Introductions
by Jean Thielemans
Chalice Lighting: Chalice Lighting for Winter Solstice by Sharon Wylie
Opening Hymn
#175 "We Celebrate the Web of Life"
by Melchior Vulpius
words by Alicia S. Carpenter
Reading: Pine Forest Fugue by Elizabeth Tarbox
Introductions, Joys and Concerns
Musical Response
"Waltz for Debby"
by Bill Evans
Continuing our practice of sharing our gifts with the community beyond our walls, fifty percent of our undesignated Sunday plate collections for the month of December will go to three area shelters: McKinney Men's Shelter (Hartford), East Hartford Community Shelter, and Cornerstone Shelter (Rockville).
Offering Music
"Gymnopedie, No. 1"
by Erik Satie
Story: The Legend of Mother Deer
Reflection: Yuletide and Ancient Sami Wisdom
Reflection: Inner Practices at Yule
Closing Hymn
#15 "The Lone, Wild Bird"
by William Walker
words by H. R. MacFayden
Closing Words: Beloved Mystery Hold Us Close by Rebekah A. Savage
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle
May faith in the spirit of life
And hope for the community of earth
And love of the light in each other
Be ours now, and in all the days to come.