January Newsletter Article
Minister's Discretionary Fund
At this time of year, we invite you to make a holiday gift to the Minister's Discretionary Fund (MDF). The MDF's primary purpose is to help UUSE members and friends who are facing difficult financial times. With your generous donation, the Minister (in consultation with the Director of Children and Youth Ministry and members of the Pastoral Friends Committee as necessary) is able to respond to requests for financial assistance throughout the year.
A holiday gift to the MDF is just one of the many ways we live out our mission to be a welcoming liberal religious community that cares for one another. For your convenience, we will have self-addressed envelopes available on the Welcome Table throughout the holiday season. Please make your check payable to "UUSE" with "MDF" indicated on the memo line. Feel free to drop your donation in the mail or the donation basket on Sundays. Unless your check is marked otherwise, the offertory collection on Christmas Eve will go to the MDF.
Please note: Because the MDF fund has a dedicated, separate bank account, please do not combine your check with your UUSE pledge payment.
We thank you for your caring and your generosity,
Rev. Josh Pawelek; Emmy Galbraith, DCYM; Sue McMillen, Pastoral Friends Committee